How To Cook Fish On A Griddle: Easy Tips For Cooking Salmon, Trout, Cod and Blacken Fish
Who doesn’t love the deliciousness of fish? Besides, well-cooked fish with some chips will make your day great!
In addition to being delicious, fish is a very nutritious food since it’s rich in proteins. Fish also contains other nutrients like Omega 3, which enhances brain function and promotes healthier nails and skin.
But you probably knew that already! What most people don’t know is that fish can be cooked on a griddle!
One benefit of cooking fish on a griddle is that it results in a healthy, light dish. You can then enjoy this tasty meal with other food items like vegetables and rice.
Cooking fish on an electric griddle is simple and quick. But, do you know how to do it? In this article, I’ve created a practical and comprehensive guide to help you with that! Continue reading!
Choose Your Fish First
Fish is not like any other type of meat. Therefore, before you even get to the cooking part, be very careful when choosing your fish!
If you’re not careful, you might end going home with a dried up or old fish. Therefore, opt for fresh fish instead. You can even inquire when or where that fish was caught from.
How do you even know whether the fish is fresh or not?
Simple! Just look at its appearance! Fresh fish are usually shiny and moist. Moreover, its eyes are supposed to be clear and its skin should be firm and bounce back when touched.
Another way of knowing whether the fish is fresh is by smelling it. If it’s fresh, it should either be odorless or smell a bit like a sea/lake. Don’t buy a fish with a strong odor!
The fat content of the fish
Another important thing you should know about fish is that the cooking time depends on its fat content. Besides, the fat content impacts the flavor, seasonings, as well as the cooking temperature. There are 2 types of fish depending on the fat content; fatty fish and lean fish!
• What is the difference between fatty and lean fish?
Fatty fish have an intense flavor and they contain plenty of Omega 3, creating a hearty and healthy meal. They require a longer cooking time that lean fish to cook fully. As for the fat content, they’ve more than 5% fat content.
On the other hand, lean fish are gentle and cook up quickly. They contain less than 5% fat content. The main problem with lean fish is that you can easily tear them apart even with a spatula when cooking them. Therefore, steam is the best way to cook these fish to intensify their flavor and keep them moist.
If you’re not sure whether the fish is fatty or lean, ask the fishmonger.
• How does the fish fat contact impact the seasonings?
As I said earlier, you must consider the fat content of the fish when adding seasonings like herb, or spice. Since fatty fish contain intense flavor, pair them with seasonings that have strong flavors. As for the lean fish, pair them with simpler seasonings to avoid overpowering the fish flavor.
What if the fish is frozen?
Freezing technology is a popular technique that is used to preserve fish fresh for a long. This also ensures that the nutrients and flavor are preserved. Chances are, that fish you bought from the fishmonger was flash-frozen after it was caught. However, you should avoid refrozen fish.
Cooking Fish on an Electric Griddle
The Preparation processes!
Now that you know how to choose the best fish for cooking, let’s look at the preparation process. This process ensures that your fish have the best flavor and taste delicious! The preparation process includes the following steps:
But if you need to consume it whole, proceed with the following steps!

The Cooking Process!
For this process, you’ll need; a griddle, olive oil, shallow dish, spices and herbs as well as nonstick cooking spray. If you’re wondering about the best electric griddle to cook fish, BLACK+DECKER GD2011B Family-Sized Electric Griddle is such a great option.
Got them? Then, let’s go!

How Do You Blacken Fish on a Griddle?
Blackening is a form of a cooking technique that’s mainly used to prepare protein-laden foods like fish, chicken and steak. It’s ideal for the fish with firm flesh such as snapper, salmon, and redfish.

Cooking Cod on a Griddle
Using a griddle to cod is not hard at all. This is because a good griddle like CostZon Electric Teppanyaki Table Top allows your fish to cook quickly and evenly. Thus giving you a perfectly cooked cod with all its natural flavor and juiciness intact! Want to know how to cook cod with a griddle? Try following these steps:

How to Cook Salmon on a Griddle
If you want to cook salmon on your griddle, you’ve to use the right technique. What’s this technique? Just, follow the following steps, and you’ll have cooked your salmon on the griddle to perfection! But first, you’ll need; oil, seasonings (pepper & salt), and, of course, your scaled and well-cut salmon.

Cooking Trout on a Griddle
Trout is a lovely and popular fish that tastes delicious when cooked over a griddle, especially if it’s fresh. Even better, you can some lemon slices or herbs to make it even more delicious. You can find trout fillets in the aisle or meat section of a supermarket or grocery store. Now that you know where to get trout fillets, let’s see how you can cook it over a griddle surface!

What temperature to cook fish on griddle?
For the perfect internal doneness and outer caramelization when griddling fish, adjust the griddle temperature between 350 & 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Can you cook fish on an electric griddle?
Of course, you can. However, cooking fish on a griddle can sometimes produce fumes and smoke. For this reason, some people prefer to bake the fish in an oven instead.
Can you fry fish on a Blackstone griddle?
Why not? Just heat and oil up the griddle, then put the fish on the hot surface. Wait for the first side to turn golden brown and flip it cook the other side. Wait for it to turn golden brown before you remove it from the Blackstone griddle.
How long does it take to cook salmon on a griddle?
Cooking salmon on a griddle takes about 6 to 10 minutes. Start by cooking the skin side first, for 3 – 5 minutes. Flip it over and cook the other side for the same amount of time.
After going through this article, I hope you’ve learned how to cook fish on a griddle to perfection. Remember, griddling fish is a healthy way of preparing a delicious meal. So, feel free to griddle a fish yourself and consider every tip I have stated above.