How Often and How to Clean a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker
If you own an electric smoker, one question you must have as an owner is how to clean a Masterbuilt smoker. In addition to the simplicity behind cleaning your smoker, there is also another question as to how often you should clean it.
In terms of frequency, a good rule of thumb is to clean it after every use. So, after each time you use it to smoke meats, you should clean it.
Now, let’s find out how to clean your Masterbuilt smoker.
Cleaning the smoker:
The interior chamber is the most important area of your smoker. While cleaning it, you should allow it to cool down entirely. This will not only ensure safety but also ensure that you don't burn out or ruin the circuits. Once the smoker is entirely dry, simply use warm water and soap solution (dish soap also does the work) to clean it.
First of all, you will need to remove the debris, if there is any, with a rag. You can also use a bristle brush. But, it is recommended that you don't use aluminium brush.
Once all hardened debris is removed, simply remove them from the chamber. At this point, get your damp cloth, and wipe off all the interior portions of the chamber. Make sure to get the tight corners. There are no secrets here.
Once completely cleaned, it is a good idea to wipe it down, rather than allowing to air dry. Also keep in mind that with each use, the interior chamber will get darker, but it still has to be cleaned after use.
You will need to wipe the exterior surface of your air grill with a damp cloth and water solution as well. As with the interior chamber, you don't want to let it sit and air dry. The main reason is rust prevention.
If your smoker has a glass or window on the front, this is where you need to be careful with cleaning. You are going to wipe it down in a similar manner and dry it with a dry cloth.

Cleaning smoker grates using the soap and water
But, you have to make sure that you are using the soap solution. If not, you will find approved glass cleaners on the manual of your grill. So, this is the only area you want to be certain of prior to cleaning.
Once cleaned, make sure you dry the entire exterior of the grill, in order to avoid rusting or dry particle formation.
The interior:
Your racks and other removable parts from the grill should be completely removed for cleaning. And, as is the case with the rest of your grill, you should clean them after every use.
Just like the case with the interior chamber, if you want to remove grease, stuck on particles, and hardened dirt, you can use a bristle brush to clean the grates and other parts of the grill. You can also use a harder brush, as these materials are made of steel. So, they won't get scratched or damaged with a harder brush.
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Once all the unwanted particles are removed, use the water solution and dish soap in order to clean the grates. Make sure that you have completely wiped down all portions.
Your goal is to ensure even, smooth cleaning, and a smooth surface after it is cleaned. Unlike the other parts of your grill, these racks are to be air dried.
Simply allow them to sit outside for a couple of hours to dry completely prior to placing them back into the grill.
With the grates and other removable parts of your grill, once they are entirely dried, you can also use vegetable oil or spray on the racks prior to placing them back in the smoker again.

Interior and Exterior of a Masterbuilt Electric smoker
Doing this will not only help prevent meat from sticking on the grates but also help with rust prevention after you allow the racks to air dry. And, the longer you have the grill, the more the oil is going to help to preserve it if it is frequently used.
The thermostat:
The exterior and interior knobs on the grill, contrary to popular belief, also need to be washed and wiped after you use the smoker.
If you don't clean them like the rest of the parts of your grill, soot and another grease will build up on these surfaces. Moreover, you are going to notice that their condition is deteriorating over time.
So, you will have to use an approved cleaning agent. You can even use your trusty warm water and dish soap mix to wipe the knobs as well.
While cleaning these areas, you can allow them to air dry, or you can immediately dry them off with a dry cloth if you choose. There is no hard and fast rule on how to dry them.
If they are removable, you can also take the knobs off the exterior surface of the grill. It will allow you deeper cleaning. And you can get below the knob faces, and remove any buildup of dirt or grease that tends to take place with smokers you use for longer periods of time for smoking meats.
What to avoid while cleaning:
It is important only to use approved cleaning agents if you so desire to invest in these cleaners. But, the dish soap or any non-abrasive soaps are also quite effective as long as you are cleaning the grill after each use.
There is truly no secret regarding how to clean a Masterbuilt electric smoker, and how often you should be cleaning it. Although most people don't do so, if you keep up with the cleaning and maintenance of your grill, it is not only going to last longer, but it is also going to remain just as efficient as it was when you purchased it.
For optimal results, exceptional smoking, and ensuring the longevity of your smoker, proper cleaning is a must. But, unlike what most people believe, cleaning the smoker doesn't require too much work.
It should only take you a matter of minutes if you keep up with and are cleaning the smoker after every use. But, one thing you must not forget – you must allow the interior chamber to cool down completely.